Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Month-End Portfolio snapshot 02/2023


Slowly changing portfolio to aim more on quality dividend companies, still don't have template in place, so this makes it zig zag style little bit, but I am working on it.

I sold AEO, as profit reached 50% of initial investment, money transfered into MAIN and HBB. Then we had dividend cut for INTC, so I sold it too and bought VZ instead.

Even the market conditions are unstable, portfolio is doing fine, earnings season sent some stocks higher or lower, but I like their business, so I will keep them.

Goals for March? Definitely I want to work more on general template, how to pick new stocks and I hope, I will be able follow this procedure without hesitation.

I have some sources, which I will use for this. When done, I want to publish it here.