Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Goals 2022 / 2023

 As I finished list of goals for new year, it would be good to check also 2022 as a quick resume.

I set most goal with low expectations, just for beginning and to better understand, how it all works. I had some extra money, which I used to boost growth dividend income, but it looks still very funny. But I like it that way, so I am not very concern about market ups and downs, also I don't need to get dividends for paying bills, as I have couple more other income streams. 

So and here is outlook for 2023

Most of the goals are same, only with different target value, options income will be super bonus, but I still don't have enough stocks and also strategy in place. I like simple things and all this around dividend investing looks very easy to understand, so I played with numbers little bit and I will tell you also secret goal for year....2050 ! :-)  This year I should officially retire, if there will be no changes. And this goal would be 10000$ in dividends per year. It is perhaps very low amount for some people, but without debts, I think me and my wife could have very nice bonus every year from this money. I am donating into more funds, so I will have like now more "income" streams as old man. Now I want to show you this table, where you can see year after year my planned progress. Very slow and steady, but you can't see 10k$ at the bottom and the reason is, that I deleted future "Special contributions". If I would use 600$ per year, the goal 10k$ would be achieved. 

I already know, that I may use almost 1500$ this year as special contributions from other investments, that will be closed in couple months. But Let's wait and follow monthly 200$ investments for now.

Monday, January 2, 2023

Month-End portfolio snapshot 12/2022


This month was very slow from my point of view, I spent lot of time during market sessions, while trading my other accounts and I didn't resist to watch also my dividend portfolio ups and downs.

So 2022 is over and here is summary of my small, slow growth procedure.

I added in December 250$ with three small purchases. It was smallest amount since start of this project, but still above my monthly plan ( 200$ ) , so I am happy with it.

I collected during December 20,25$ in dividends! So this was very pleasant to see, overall I collected in 2022 around 30$. And what outlook do we have for next months? Let's see 

Numbers of next month dividends are looking promising, as I am planning to add monthly into account and reinvest dividends, I hope, this portfolio can offer in 12 months solid raise, compounding magic :-) .

Okay and what about portfolio performace, am I under water, or is it not so bad? Hmm not drastic on both sides, even with sideway action of market, I should be doing fine and if market decide to go more deep down, I will follow my monthly simple procedure and that's it. This is not affecting my living situation, I just plan to use this portfolio in next 15-20 years, when dividend income will cover my family month expenses, so we can start slowly use this stream income. Yes, that is my main goal, not quick-rich scheme here.

See you at the end of January! Or maybe earlier, as I want to review my goals for 2023